vlog)家族旅行でも勉強!?ストイックすぎ司法試験合格目指す大学生の春休みの1日。身体測定ついてておばあちゃんアスリート並だった笑私は体脂肪10%減らします… #vlog #勉強 #shorts

체력 측정 플랜에서 할머니의 팔은 운동선수 수준으로, 엄마는 5번이나 복근할 수 없는 것으로 나타났다. 나는 체지방 후에 10% 감소합니다….
가족 여행지에서도 공부 스토크 사법 시험 합격 목표로 하는 대학생의 봄방학의 1일 asmr vlog. 오래간만의 가족으로 외출 최고🚗³₃

During the physical fitness test plan, I found out that my grandma's arms were like an athlete's, and my mom couldn't even do five sit-ups. I'll lose another 10% of my body fat...

ASMR vlog of a day during spring break for a college student who is studying stoically even on a family trip and aiming to pass the bar exam. Going out with my family for the first time in a while was great 🚗³₃

#japanvlog #韓国 #勉強


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